‘ZAKKOKU KOUBOU’ is located in Ogawa-machi, the center part of Saitama prefecture, and is surrounded by the Sotochichibu Mountains.
This area is rich with beautiful nature that still has the original landscape of Japan.
Ogawa-machi became known for its Japanese-paper manufacturing, sake brewing, Tategu* craft, and silk lining.
It used to be a thriving post station for travelers and for transportation of goods referred as Shukuba-machi. (*Tategu refers to the traditional door and windows of a Japanese house such as Fusuma doors, Sudare bamboo blinds, Byōbu partitions, etc.) Today, it is famous for its organic agriculture as well.
ZAKKOKU KOUBOU, that has been open since 2003, is only a short walk from Ogawa station. Feel free to enjoy fresh beer with local food at the brewery which is a small pub in town.
Our father, the founder of ZAKKOKU KOUBOU, originally started making a farm as his hobby and enjoyed eating grains including millets he harvested there. However, he had trouble because he had too many grains after harvesting. The solution he came up with was that he could utilize them to craft beer.
Today, my father has been harvesting the grains, vegetables, and fruits, and we have been harvesting hops along with crafting beers and running the brewery’s pub. Recently, we have been positively using hops and fruits grown by local organic farmers and have established our own malting techniques. As a result, it has become possible to brew beers made from 100% locally grown ingredients several times a year.